Hip Arthroscopy


About Hip Arthroscopy


Hip Arthroscopy is a procedure which gives the surgeon an internal view of the hip joint and surrounding tissue by inserting a special camera known as an arthroscope. Under anaesthetic, small incisions are made to insert the arthroscope and any instruments required to perform the necessary surgery on the hip.

Hip Arthroscopy treats conditions such as;

  • Femoro-Acetabular Impingement (FAI)
  • Labral Tear
  • Loose bone or cartilage that moves around within the joint
  • Hip joint infection
  • Synovitis
  • Dysplasia


Common Conditions


Femoro-Acetabular Impingement (FAI)

Femoro-Acetabular Impingement (FAI) or hip impingement, occurs in young, active adults due to abnormal contact between the bones of the hip joint. Patients experience groin pain which is often associated with tears of the labrum, a special soft tissue structure that protects the hip from injury. FAI most commonly occurs due to a bony overgrowth on the femoral neck or pelvis. If standard treatments such as physiotherapy and anti-inflammatories have not worked, surgery may be required to improve the function of your hip. At your appointment Mr Barnes will discuss your treatment options and the possibility of hip arthroscopy to remove excess bone and repair the labrum.


Labral Tear

The hip labrum, is a ring of soft issue and cartilage that follows the outside rim of the socket of your hip joint and works like a suction cup to help hold your hip joint together. A Labral Tear involves damage to the labrum and a flap of loose tissue causes hip pain or a ‘catching’ sensation in your hip joint. If standard treatments such as physiotherapy and anti-inflammatories have not worked, surgery may be required to improve the function of your hip. At your appointment Mr Barnes will discuss your treatment options and the possibility of hip arthroscopy to repair, trim or remove part of the labrum.

Next Steps


Speak with your GP or family doctor about your condition and get a referral to see Mr Barnes. Mr Barnes will then review your medical information and discuss your treatment options.

Do I need Hip Arthroscopy surgery?


Whether or not you need hip arthroscopy will depend on the type of hip condition you have. A thorough evaluation should be carried out on the hip joint to understand the cause of pain.


Mr Barnes will discuss your treatment options once he's examined you and any relevant scans and X-rays.